Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Benefit of the Doubt

I'm writing my essay about homophobic violence and gender nonconformity. Why? I'm not homosexual or gender nonconforming. I haven't had first hand experience with what I'm writing about. So why would I want to write about it? Because I like to give people the benefit of the doubt, let people be them, not be clouded by my judgement of others and it's something that matters. People criticize, ridicule and mock others that are different from the perceived "norm". They experience violence, discrimination, and bullying because of their differences. I think they should be praised for those differences and how they fight to remain that way. It's admirable to watch someone be so authentically them even when miles and miles of people are shouting at them to stop. I've tried my best to live my life to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I try not to judge or assume anything about anyone because from what I've experienced, it's almost never true. I firmly believe you should give everyone a chance and allow them to be them. Don't hold anyone back because of what you expect them to be because of this or that. Let them be them and you be you. There is no other them and there is no other you. and that's why the world is beautiful hidden underneath the storms.

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